Addressability ticket - March 27th - PROGRAMMATIC PORTUGAL
This ticket includes:
Access to the event from 8.30h to 15.00h
Networking opportunity with event attendees
Access to the cocktail lunch at the end of the day.
ATTENTION: Each person must register individually. If you want 2 or more tickets, you will have to purchase them in two different processes. If you purchase 2 or more tickets in the same purchase, the system will only count one. This is because we need the information of all individual attendees, since the tickets are nominative and non-transferable.
This ticket includes:
Access to the event from 8.30h to 15.00h
Networking opportunity with event attendees
Access to the cocktail lunch at the end of the day.
ATTENTION: Each person must register individually. If you want 2 or more tickets, you will have to purchase them in two different processes. If you purchase 2 or more tickets in the same purchase, the system will only count one. This is because we need the information of all individual attendees, since the tickets are nominative and non-transferable.
This ticket includes:
Access to the event from 8.30h to 15.00h
Networking opportunity with event attendees
Access to the cocktail lunch at the end of the day.
ATTENTION: Each person must register individually. If you want 2 or more tickets, you will have to purchase them in two different processes. If you purchase 2 or more tickets in the same purchase, the system will only count one. This is because we need the information of all individual attendees, since the tickets are nominative and non-transferable.
AVISO LEGAL: Los datos recogidos en este formulario serán tratados por Programmatic Spain y podrán ser cedidos a patrocinadores y/o colaboradores del evento. Trataremos tus datos para gestionar tu inscripción, gestionar la relación y el envío de información sobre el evento y mantenerte al tanto de otras comunicaciones. En caso de que se aporten datos de terceros, debes asegurarte de obtener su previo consentimiento antes de proporcionárnoslos. Puedes retirar tu consentimiento y ejercer tus derechos de protección de datos escribiéndonos a Para más información, accede a nuestra política de privacidad. De igual forma, acudiendo al evento, estás cediendo tus derechos de imagen.