El grupo AdUX se adentra en la publicidad nativa con la adquisición de L’Agora

El grupo AdUX, especialista europeo en publicidad digital y experiencia de usuario, ha anunciado la adquisición de L’Agora, compañía española enfocada al mercado de la publicidad nativa (con acuerdos con más de 20 grupos editoriales como Vocento, Grupo Zeta, Editorial Prensa Ibérica y RBA editores, entre otros)

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Mario Torija

20+ years experience in digital environments, with a deep knowledge of the digital advertising ecosystem and the trends in the field of digital transformation from all points of view. I have experience both in Consulting and Designing digital strategies and social media in Digital Agencies and Advertisers.

Even when I'm used to manage teams, I can drive things forward as an individual contributor, I'm a great teammate, willing to work in a fast-paced, exciting environment, with a strong presentation and negotiation skills and a good record in closing complex deals from inception. I'm quite good in creating reports and presentations.

With excellent communications skills I'm a networking superstar with solid contacts in media agencies and advertisers: I've been IAB and MMA Spain representative and spokesperson since 2005.


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